In Accounting, Bookkeeping, Tax, Uncategorized

If you just decided to launch a business or are in the process of getting started, you may not have a lot of capital to staff your business and buy all of the materials and equipment you may need. Why try to do your own accounting when Strategist’s consulting CPAs are able to provide you with the accounting services to support your company through your early stage and all their costs are tax deductible. The IRS allows newly formed businesses to deduct $5,000 in start up cost and $5,000 in organizational cost, but only if the total startup cost does not exceed $50,000. We are also aware that companies like yours do not have enough resources to hire an in-house accountant to take care of the finances.

Xtrategist experts assist startup companies with all of accounting needs, perhaps outsourcing all  accounting functions is one of the best investments a business owner can make. Some of the benefits of outsourcing accounting to Xtrategist are: additional time to focus your core business, timely, reliable and relevant information for decision making and your business can count on with our trusted CPA consultants at all times.

New company

  • Company structure
  • Incorporation filings
  • Policies & procedures design & implementation
  • QuickBooks design & Implementation
  • Expense tracking

Early stage of a company

  • Month-end accounting
  • Revenue accounting – (accrual basis)
  • Contract Administration
  • Accounts payable & accounts receivable maintenance
  • Financial reports (variance analysis)
  • Financial forecast and budget creation

Como Lanzar una Compañía Exitosamente

10 tips para abrir tu negocio

Si encontraste el negocio ideal para ti, llegó la hora de ponerlo en marcha. Sigue estos 10 consejos para arrancar con el pie derecho.

Un emprendedor es aquel que tiene la capacidad de encontrar una oportunidad de negocios y, sobre todo, de hacerla realidad. Si ya tienes en mente la empresa de tus sueños, ¡evita equivocaciones! Antes de dar el primer paso, analiza si tu propuesta tiene futuro y prepárate para sortear los desafíos que te esperan.

  1. Estudia el mercado.
  2. Detecta las necesidades de tus clientes.
  3. Ten todo por escrito.
  4. Transforma tu idea en un negocio.
  5. Aprovecha las oportunidades.
  6. Adapta los nuevos productos a tu mercado.
  7. Lanza nuevas propuestas para nuevos mercados.
  8. Acude a exposiciones.
  9. Capacítate
  10. Acércate a los expertos

Si estas listo para comenzar tu negocio nosotros te podemos ayudar

Llamanos y resolveremos cualquier duda financiera que tengas.


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